Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Happy National Gorilla Suit Day!

...Though this particular year might be better remembered as the day of the "Aqua Teen Hoax"...especially if you live in Boston or Atlanta. I'll do a follow-up post to that story once all the facts are in and the dust settles over on my Adult Swimmin' Blog page....but for now let me just say Hoo-boy!

Anyhow, sorry...gorilla suit, gorilla suit... okay. Here's some past observers of the Holiday....

This one goes back had to be really cool to get past the Gorilla doorman at this club.

Ro-Man has looked healthier than he does in this ad for Robot Monster. (Come to think though, Death Wears a Gorilla Suit is a pretty good title...)

They're all out there though...workin' toll gates in the rain...

Providing technical assistance...

Doin' maintenance work...

Fighting Hobbits...

Even drivin' flying saucers...

...And generally just bein' the ever-lovin', brown-eyed idols o' millions!

Kudos for this post go out to Don Martin, Mark Evanier, Charles Gemora, Ray Corrigan, George Barrows, Bob Burns, Rick Baker, and anyone else who has ever put on a Gorilla costume!


Blogger Robert Pope said...

Don't forget Larry Hagman! Ol' J.R. Ewing used to go to the grocery store in Malibu in a gorilla suit. Apparently this was a sufficiently frequent event that unfazed store patrons and workers referred to the suited and masked Hagman by name. Nice work if you can get it.

11:12 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're talking gorilla suits, you gotta give it up for Rick Baker.

11:40 PM


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